CENY: Nominace na ceny Brama Stokera
Článek od: Jan Pechanec - 15.03.2011
Do fantastiky zahrnujeme nejenom vědeckofantastickou a fantasy literaturu, ale také horory. A nebyl by to správný žánr, kdyby v anglofonním světě neměl šanci získat vysoce prestižní ocenění. Stejně jako SF má Huga a Nebulu, Fantasy WFA, tak nejlepší hororová díla vydaná v uplynulém roce mohou získat Cenu Brama Stokera.
Letošní nominace pro díla vydaná v uplynulém roce jsou známy. Slavnostní vyhlášení proběhne během "Stokerova víkendu" na Long Islandu (New York) mezi 16. až 19. červnu 2011.
- Horns, Joe Hill (William Morrow; č. Rohy, Beta-Dobrovský 2010)
- Rot and Ruin, Jonathan Maberry (Simon & Schuster)
- Dead Love, Linda Watanabe McFerrin (Stone Bridge Press)
- Apocalypse of the Dead, Joe McKinney (Pinnacle)
- Dweller, Jeff Strand (Leisure/Dark Regions Press)
- A Dark Matter, Peter Straub (DoubleDay)
- Black and Orange, Benjamin Kane Ethridge (Bad Moon Books)
- A Book of Tongues, Gemma Files (ChiZine)
- Castle of Los Angeles, Lisa Morton (Gray Friar)
- Spellbent, Lucy Snyder (Del Rey)
- The Painted Darkness, Brian James Freeman (Cemetery Dance)
- Dissolution, Lisa Mannetti (Deathwatch)
- Monsters Among Us, Kirstyn McDermott (Macabre: A Journey through Australia’s Darkest Fears)
- The Samhanach, Lisa Morton (Bad Moon Books)
- Invisible Fences, Norman Prentiss (Cemetery Dance)
- “Return to Mariabronn”, Gary Braunbeck (Haunted Legends)
- “The Folding Man”, Joe R. Lansdale (Haunted Legends)
- “1925: A Fall River Halloween”, Lisa Mannetti (Shroud Magazine #10)
- “In the Middle of Poplar Street”, Nate Southard (Dead Set: A Zombie Anthology)
- “Final Draft”, Mark W. Worthen (Horror Library IV)
- Dark Faith, Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon, eds. (Apex)
- Horror Library IV, R.J. Cavender & Boyd E. Harris, eds. (Cutting Block)
- Macabre: A Journey Through Australia’s Darkest Fears, Angela Challis & Marty Young, eds. (Brimstone Press)
- Haunted Legends, Ellen Datlow & Nick Mamatas, eds. (Tor)
- The New Dead, Christopher Golden, ed. (St. Martin’s Griffin)
- Occultation, Laird Barron (Night Shade Books)
- Blood and Gristle, Michael Louis Calvillo (Bad Moon Books)
- Full Dark, No Stars, Stephen King (Simon & Schuster)
- The Ones That Got Away, Stephen Graham Jones (Prime Books)
- A Host of Shadows, Harry Shannon (Dark Regions)
Titul mimo beletrii
- To Each Their Darkness, Gary A. Braunbeck (Apex)
- The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, Thomas Ligotti (Hippocampus)
- Wanted Undead or Alive, Jonathan Maberry & Janice Gable Bashman (Citadel)
- Listen to the Echoes: The Ray Bradbury Interviews, Sam Weller (Melville House)
- Dark Matters, Bruce Boston (Bad Moon Books)
- Wild Hunt of the Stars, Ann K. Schwader (Sam’s Dot)
- Diary of a Gentleman Diabolist, Robin Spriggs (Anomalous Books)
- Vicious Romantic, Wrath James White (Needfire Poetry)
Zdroj: www.locusmag.com
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